Educational Learning Modules
As part of the Hall of Flame Museum’s founding principle of fire safety education, we offer school tours tailored to students of all ages. In recent years, our Curator of Education has redesigned the content of our school tours to dovetail with many of the new learning modules being implemented in our schools.
If you are an Educator and are interested in learning more about how a visit to the Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting can enhance your STEAM or PBL approach to teaching, please contact us at (602) 275-3473.
STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math

STEAM uses science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
“Our world is a beautiful, complex, and intricate tapestry of learning all in its own right. Why do we believe that we have the ability or the right to box it in behind brick walls and classroom doors in a place called school? We are at a point where it is not only possible, but imperative that we facilitate learning environments that are fluid, dynamic, and relevant.”
“STEAM is not about what, where or when – it’s about why and how. STEAM is a process of application. It allows our students to create meaning for themselves and others.”
-The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM-
PBL: Project-Based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.
“PBL can be transformative for students…seeing a real-world impact gives them a sense of agency and purpose. Now more than ever, we need young people who are ready, willing, and able to tackle the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit – and nothing prepares them better than Project Based Learning.”
“Students interact with adults, businesses and organizations, and their community, and can develop career interests. Students gain skills valuable in today’s workplace and in life, such as how to take initiative, work responsibly, solve problems, collaborate in teams, and communicate ideas.”
-Buck Institute for Education-